MAN IN OVERALLS — Tips and Tricks RSS

Man in Overalls - Why I Wear Overalls

“Why I Wear Overalls?”  or, more simply, “Remember” 9.My grandfather was buried in overalls.His children placed seed packets in his breast pocket before they planted him.My mother, her bowed head dropping tears on his cold face,She tells me “He never wore a suit.”“Overalls everyday of his life.  Wore ‘em to church.”“Ain’t that the truth,” chimes my aunt.  “Clean shirt. Maybe some other shoes.”And my...

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Man in Overalls - You Don't Need a Farm to Grow Your Groceries

I've been rolling my #GrowCart through Jacksonville's streets to highlight the fact you don't need a lot of space to grow your groceries. In other words, you don't need a farm to have a garden - which is worth celebrating!If you're like me, you'd love be able to pick something from your garden, more or less, everyday - something to base dinner on or something to give it that extra touch of flavor...

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Man in Overalls - Thanks to my Grocery Growing Gurus

I'm grateful because...Well, it started with my mother: when I was 8, she taught me how to turn over the soil with a shovel, how to sow seeds, how to break a little branch off a shrub and stake it over newly transplanted starts to lessen the brunt of the sun, how to thin carrots, stake tomatoes, dig potatoes, and crop collard greens. By and large, the basics, I learned from her. Without the...

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Man in Overalls - Summer Garden Blues & What To Do

Welcome to mid summer in the Deep South! If you're anything like me, you're actively looking for excuses to avoid going outside this time of year. The heat doesn't so much radiate down from the sun as it seems to risefrom the side walk. Rain helps- for about ten minutes- and then simply adds to the humidity as it vaporizes on the payment, so that it feels like you need a snorkel to make it from...

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Man in Overalls - It's Like Washing Your Dishes

I often hear folks joke, "Yeah, I had a garden once. I put in all this money & effort, and I only got a handful of tomatoes. Each one of them cost $27!" And they usually end by saying something about not having a green thumb. My first tomatoes of the season I smile and think about a mental model I've been working on: Growing your groceries is like washing your dishes.While they're raving about how...

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