"Hey y'all. I'm Nathan Ballentine the Man in Overalls. Today we're going to talk about..."

Check it out!I've been working with the FL Dept of Ag to create a bunch of "How To" Food Gardening Videos.  For example: "How to build raised beds," "How to plant," "How to water," and all kind of other basics.  Below are a few to get your started.  For the rest (and for the ones still to be released), stay tuned to the Fresh for Florida Kids Youtube Channel. While I'm at it, I'll go ahead and...

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"Wowww, Look at Our Garden!"

Amazing images courtesy Inga Finch Photography "Wowww! Look at Our Garden!"So said teenage Christine when she came around the side of the house in view of our workshop garden this past Saturday. For four saturdays, once a month, for four months (skipping December), I'm leading an introductory food garden class with a friends' group of nine special needs teens at the home of Kelly Hetherington, one...

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